IJweg 179 Zwanenburg, IJweg 179 Zwanenburg [map]


We're excited to announce the celebration of our 20th anniversary this summer! To mark this special occasion, we're hosting a fantastic party at a house rental near Amsterdam. As space for overnight stays is limited to 30 guests (bunkbeds), we kindly ask you to RSVP in the form above as soon as possible, indicating whether you'd like to reserve a spot for the night. Costs will range approximately between 100 and 150 euros, depending on the final guest count and accommodation preferences. Additionally, please remember to come dressed to impress! We look forward to celebrating two decades of memories, friendships, and successes with all of you!

Availability list

Tom P Emma Anna Nanna Z Stjerna Danmi Oda H Loes M Julia Peter H Joonas V Remko B Balazs K Jurgen P Louis A Arpi Jasper M Jonas V Otto-Gabriel Guus R Juni F
Michiel v Sam L
Joel Jeroen S Margaret H Kaj N Ward V Dave Amber S Lara H Myrthe B Ylene Emil R Tobi Max Rihards K Matej N Kerry Murphy Michel H David Oscar C Kayvan N Merijn S Luc M Phil M Artur A Thimo v Tom B Merijn S [2] Gustaf N Jonathan B Ahmed A Adrien G Tim T Jonathan O Otto S Sam Khan Johannes M Jeroen v Ulrik J Tino V Benjamin S Tommi Sean Matti A Tim P Sander Richard K Jannik G Ward v [2] Sam K Sebastian G Miska B Fabian L Aapo R Markus V Jappe v

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Goalie 1 0
Player Women 8 0
Player Men 1 9 0
Player Men 2/3 2 1
Player Other 1 1
Visitors 0
Total In 21 Out 2
Previous / Next In Out
Practice Thu 6.6. at 19:30 10 5
Practice Thu 6.6. at 20:45 12 3
Other Fri 7.6. at 17:00 21 2
Other Sun 9.6. at 14:00 9 5
Practice Mon 10.6. at 20:00 24 5

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